Sunday, January 29, 2012

Get it together Judy!

2012 has been eventful already.  I have been cleaning, organizing and throwing stuff out!  Feels so good to purge.  I am - of course - back on the weight loss train....I want this last year of my 30's to be my "get it together" year.  Get it together with what God wants of me, get it together in the Mom department (being consistent, firm and positive - balanced), be the best wife I possibly can and get it together in the ME department.  That is enough right there to keep me busy for the whole year! (the ME dept.)

I am going to pretty much use this blog as my tool to "get it off my chest".  This year should be interesting. Now if I can just remember to BLOG...that would be a good first step. haha!

I didn't make any resolutions for 2012...because I usually don't keep them.  I don't want to set myself up for failure.  However, I do have to keep trying...keep on keepin' on as my Dad says.

First things first.  My personal relationship with Jesus is #1 on the 2012 "get it together" list.  I have become increasingly aware the parallel between my relationship with God and my relationship with my son.  As a Momma, I long for those days when he is actually interested in talking to me and sharing his life with me.  That is not as often as I would like. I remember being this way as a teenager with my parents and I am so sorry Mom and Dad!!  When I pray and have my devotion time, I am constantly reminded of this feeling that I have and wonder if that is how God must feel sometimes.  It has prompted me to be more real with Him instead of just surface.  I don't want a surface relationship with Him...I want a REAL - get into my business - relationship with Him.  Already in the first month of 2012 He has made Himself real to me by answering prayers and for showing up in a situation when it seemed so out of control.  I used to kind of snicker when I heard someone say "Daddy God"....but it's TRUE.  He is our Father in every sense of the word. I probably still won't ever physically say that phrase, but I get it.  

My grandmother, a.k.a. Bom Bom, used to always say "Lord Willing" after almost everything. We kids used to kid around because she used it for literally everything.  It's because she ran literally EVERYTHING past Him first before she did it.  That's something to strive for.  

When I was a teenager, there was a situation that came up that was a "gray area".  I wanted to participate and my Dad wasn't comfortable with it at all.  I didn't understand in the least bit...because it was a church function and how in the world could there be anything wrong with a church function...right?!  I remember him looking in my eyes and saying "Have I ever steered you wrong?"  My answer was a shake of the head "No".  He said, "Do you trust me?"  I nodded my head "Yes".  He just said "I don't know what else to say, but as your Dad, just trust me"  That conversation plays in my head a lot...and I've actually used it recently with my son Blake.   

God tells us to do the same.  
Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP)
Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

So for some, 2012 may be "year the world's going to end"...but for's going to be the year of sharing what God has done for me, getting it together and giving Him all the glory.


  1. I love it! Hold my hand and bring me where you are heading!

  2. Love it... I used to tell my kids "If you were old enough to wouldnt be asking why not".
    The good thing about distant teens.. in a few short years they bring you grandbabies that light up your world

  3. I LOVE IT Judy! Just get it all off of your chest & share it girl. Like you, I feel it's of utmost importance this year to start having that REAL relationship with God. Not that I haven't already, but like you said He is OUR FATHER and we are HIS KIDS. I love what you said about your Dad asking if he ever steered you wrong and then him saying....just trust me. Priceless! That's exactly what our Heavenly Father tries to tell us all of the time.

    I hope you do remember to keep your blog up, if not we'll have to remind you. Oh yeah....and then you'll have to remind me that you updated...I'm so forgetful. lol I love it girl & I love you!
